For over 60 years, the land use and development attorneys at Harrison & Johnston have helped property owners and others throughout the Shenandoah Valley and Northern Virginia clear the legal, regulatory, and practical hurdles that may stand in the way of their real estate objectives.
Property owners, developers, builders, and businesses want to maximize the value and utility of their real estate. But realizing an owner’s vision for their property often involves extensive governmental regulation and accounting for the interests of others who may oppose those plans. Proposed development of a property requires compliance with local land use and zoning ordinances which can be complex and significantly alter an owner’s expected use of their property.
Six Decades of Facilitating Real Estate Development in the Shenandoah Valley and Northern Virginia
Addressing all of the intersecting interests and relationships that impact property development requires an understanding of the law and an appreciation of the political processes, local priorities, and various concerns of those whose cooperation is needed to bring a proposed development to fruition. It requires the advocacy to effectively challenge adverse decisions as well as the negotiating skill and personal relationships to obtain desired outcomes.
No law firm is more attuned to real estate development in the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding areas than Harrison & Johnston. Our land use lawyers have facilitated countless development efforts in the area over the past six decades, obtaining the approvals, variances, and other accommodations that allow our clients to expeditiously proceed with their plans. Simply put, when you want to develop property in a community, having attorneys who live and work in that community can help build bridges and turn obstacles into opportunities.
Efficient and Effective Counsel For All Land Use, Zoning, and Development Issues
We assist our clients with any issues that impact the use and development of their property, including:
- Rezonings
- Comprehensive Plan Amendments
- Master Development Plan and Site Plan Appproval processes
- Subdivision approvals
- Boundary Line Adjustments
- Building Code and Building Permits
- Condominium creation
- Rights of Way
- Landmarks and historic preservation
- Conservation Easements
- Environmental matters
- Redevelopment
- Transferable development rights
- Air rights
- Eminent domain and condemnation